Friday, 22 March 2013

We have been busy in class creating work to present on the walls to make a colourful, exciting and useful classroom environment. Below are a few of the displays.
We have a new topic wall up and running. This display shows the staple foods that are eaten in a range of countries around the world. We used the internet to find information and working in groups we then went on to present the information. We were able to indentify that many countries eat similar staple foods. We also looked at the foods we ate at home and compared those eaten in other countries.

During Maths we use the Maths Wall to solve a problem that has been set by the teacher. Each week the problems change and we have to use our previous knowledge and new knowledge to help solve them.

We also have created a tool belt that we can use to remind us of the strategies that we have learnt. Each tool has a different strategy and when solving problems we can go to our tool belt to find a suitable strategy for that problem.

Please feel free to come in and let us share our displays with you :)


 This week we have been really busy setting and learning our goals. They are now displayed in out classroom so that we can refer to them as we are learning. We look forward to sharing our goals with you on parent interviews.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

 A huge big thank you to Mia and Liam's mums for coming into class this week and sharing their birth countries.

We really enjoyed learning about Denmark and Italy.

Thanks again :)
If any other parents would like to come in and share their home countries, please contact Miss von Detten


Homework 13th March

Please remember to have a look at the culture of the country that you have chosen . This could include

- music
- dance
- art
- food and drink
- religion
- festivals
- social activities

Make a note of all your findings in your homework diaries and remember to bring them in on Friday :)

Good luck searching .

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Garden to Table Week 2

Today room 35 have been doing Garden to Table.We made a lovely salad with edible flowers with yummy mint dressing.We also made a pastsa dish which had carrots and parsnips in it. Group three made a cob loaf bread which was very yummy, it was filled with cream cheese, chedder, silverbeat and herbs.

Mia enjoyed eating the flowers although they were a little bitter tasting.
Michael worked hard spreading the cheese cream onto the cob loaf so that it was even for cooking.

Ollie likes to cut parsley and corriander. He looks like a professional!!!

Everyone waiting for their tasty food at the tables.We got to share what we had eaten with eveyone.

Zoe helped cut a pumkin from the garden, it will be used this week in  Garden to Table.

Thanks to all the mums that came and helped :)