Sunday 4 August 2013

Question of the week - 5th August

Why does the earth rotate?


  1. NO# 1 SARAH! WHOOOOOOOOOO!4 August 2013 at 21:09

    i think the earth rotates because you need to have a day. because if we did not have a day we would be very tired and it is with space and the sun. :-)

  2. Zoe is like so so so I dont auctally know4 August 2013 at 21:17

    the earth spins.It spins around the sun and that is why the earth gets quite hot and bright. The sun starts coming up to say that it is day time and when it gets dark it means it is late in the eveing. The sun has a lot to do with the earth rotating and the auctal reason why it rotates is because one roatation = 1 day i think.

  3. :):) !BEN M! :):)5 August 2013 at 00:26

    The earth rotates because when our solar system was formed a huge cloud of spinning gas and dust formed our planets. To form the planets the gas and dust need to spin faster, that is why the earth spins today. It keeps on spinning because there is nothing to stop the spin.

  4. Intelligent Ichigo10 August 2013 at 14:59

    The earth rotates because the original nebula was in motion. The motion is an energy called angular momentum and the laws of physics require that this energy is conserved as the nebula condensed. A mechanism for this conservation of energy is to impart a rotation.There is nothing that can stop it.

  5. o star ollie !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) the best10 August 2013 at 17:43

    The earth rotates because of the way it was formed.4.6 billion years ago a huge cloud of gas and dust started to collapse under its own gravity. When the cloud collapsed it started to spin and eventually formed into plants. The earth keeps spinning because there are no forces to stop it.

  6. ella the elephant11 August 2013 at 13:33

    i think the earth rotates so that we can have a day and a night
