Thursday 1 August 2013

DNA is little parts in your body that is in each bubble that floats around in your body. You look like your parents and your siblings because they are sharing your DNA. Each DNA tell your life. For a example, if you are smart, you might have a DNA that makes you smart. Dna is so tiny that you can't even see it! If you don't have any DNA, you won't be alive. DNA is a very important part of your body. Ichigo

DNA contains all the infomation needed to build your body. Every cell in our body contains DNA. It stands for Deoxyribonucleic Acid. Did you know you have around 20,000 DNA genes in your body?
By Ben M

DNA is you.You are made of it.You  have your mother and your farthers if your mum has brown eyes and your dad has blue eyes brown eyes win.So you would have brown have a mix of your dads and a mix of your mums.DNA can be just one single hair.
By Hayden

1 comment:

  1. I see a polar bear floating on ice.

    I think he is sad because he is all by himself.

    I wonder how it got there?
